Aims and Scope

The Zoologist, an Open Access publication of the Zoological Society of Nigeria (ZSN) is an international journal that publishes scholarly articles in English Language twice a year, in June and December.  It is dedicated to promoting innovative research on animals, ecosystems and sustainability. The journal welcomes articles based on original research on biological phenomena at scales ranging from the molecular level through organismal, population, community to  ecosystem levels within the sub-disciplines of Ecology, Population dynamics, Epidemiology, Immunology, Environmental Science, Hydrobiology & Fisheries, Biodiversity & Conservation, Physiology, Anatomy, Cell Biology, Zoos & Parks, Genetics & Molecular Biology, Wildlife Management, Ethnozoology, Parasitology & Public Health, Epidemiology and Entomology. Papers in other areas are acceptable at the editors’ discretion. The journal also publishes short notes, expository and review articles, and book reviews.

The journal is available online at or and


Recent articles

Antifertility potential of the extracts of Aloe barbadensis Miller on the testes
and reproductive hormones of male rats

Physico-chemical parameters, heavy-metals and soil particle distribution of
Liverpool axis of Badagry Creek, Lagos, South-western Nigeria

Biosynthesis, characterization and antivenom activities of Moringa oleifera
silver nanoparticles: an experimental approach

Ecto- and helminths of Columba livia and Streptopelia roseogrisea in Alimosho
community, Lagos State, Nigeria

Inferring the allometric growth coefficient of juvenile African mud catfish,
Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822), using Bayesian and Frequentist regression

Bioaccumulation of heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons in the blue crab
(Callinectes sapidus, Rathbun 1896) from Ogu Creek in Upper Bonny Estuary,